Rule 3 - The Scout District
Rule 3.2 | District Establishment |
Rule 3.2.1 |
(a) The establishment of a District is recommended by the Regional Commissioner and approved by the Chief Commissioner. Upon approval, the Association Headquarters will issue a Certificate of Establishment to the prospective District Commissioner through the Regional Commissioner. (b) Any changes in the establishment, including amalgamation of Districts, and changes in District boundaries, are matters of the Association Headquarters. |
Rule 3.2.2 | Suspension of District Operations (a) A District may have its operations suspended by the Regional Commissioner with the approval of the Chief Commissioner, pending review of a recommendation for the cancellation of the District's establishment. (b) In the event of suspension of operations in a District, Scout Groups within the District are not affected but all activities in the District Headquarters shall cease and, except as the Chief Commissioner may otherwise direct, all appointments of Commissioners, District Staff, and Lay Members within the District are suspended. (c) The Regional Commissioner shall provide for the administration of the District during its suspension. |
Rule 3.2.3 |
Cancellation of Establishment (a) The establishment of a Scout District may be cancelled by the Chief Commissioner, who will then recommend to the Chief Scout to withdraw all Warrants of the Commissioners in the District. All appointments of the District Staff and Lay Members will also be cancelled by the Chief Commissioner. (b) When the establishment of a District is cancelled, the District ceases to exist. The Regional Commissioner shall take action to sort out the finance and other assets of the District in accordance with the Chief Commissioner's instruction and provide for the administration and support to Groups within the District. |